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Saturday, April 17, 2010

taylor swift >3 oh yeah!

oh my gosh!!this girl is awesome!yeah..you heard it right guys,she's really awesome!and i mean it :)
so if you hate her..BACK OFF LOSERS! she's the coolest
girl in Hollywood for mii! :p

Taylor Swift Biography...

-- Taylor has been singing all her life and her motivation
is her grandmother who was a professional opera
--She began locally performing around her town at
the age of ten and at the age of 11 she sang the national anthem before Philphadelphia 76ers game

Fave.color: White
Holiday: Christmas
Place: Anywhere around a creek
Hobby: Driving Fast
Season: Summer
Things to Do: Write songs
Things to write about: Love

With £ove,

My memory written at 12:49 AM

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